GeneralWhat began in 1993 as a fulfillment company and second jobs for Rosanne and Jim Lundeen in their garage to provide a means for family vacations, has developed into two full-blown, full-time businesses and several business ventures.

In 1994, Jim left his full-time corporate position to dedicate himself to grow RJM enterprises. They set up shop in a small rented area of a building. By the third month they had to double their lease space and by the end of their first year, they had quadrupled their lease space.

In 1997, they acquired General Paper Products, which manufactures custom corrugated cartons. shortly thereafter, Rosanne joined the company full time concentrating on the structural design of the packaging they produce.

With the growth of their companies, they began construction of Phase I of their own building in September 2001 with the help of CMDC. In March 2002, they moved into their new 40,000 square foot office/warehouse. And within just three short years, they contacted CMDC once again to help with Phase II construction, bringing their total square footage to 80,000 square feet.

Since 1993, they have grown from a small company employing family and friends on an as-needed basis to eighty full-time employees running three shifts five days a week and a weekend shift.

Reflecting on the loan processes with CMDC, Rosanne and Jim said, "CMDC takes away the anxiety. They are very knowledgeable, detail oriented and calm throughout the process - knowing what to do to get the transaction done. They're very easy to work with and make the process very smooth. We developed a confidence with them."

General paper continues to grow and is looking forward to their newest endeavor with SaferTech and its direct touch advertising application for beverage cans called ProTop.

General Paper Products, Inc.
6650 143rd Avenue NW | Ramsey, MN 55303
Telephone: 763.323.8389
Fax: 763.323.8934
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.