Calculate your monthly loan payments for a small business loan to help you buy, start or expand a business.

This tool is designed to provide you with an estimate of monthly loan payments. Loan terms and rates will vary.


1. Project Cost

Land/Existing Building
Professional Fees/Contingency



2. Source of Funds

Bank Loan (50%) $0.00
SBA 504 Loan (%) $0.00
Equity injection $0.00

3. SBA 504 Debenture Pricing

Net Debenture $0.00
SBA Guarantee Fee (0.0%) $0.00
Funding Fee (0.25%) $0.00
CDC Processing Fee (1.5%) $0.00
Closing Costs $0.00
Underwriters Fee (0.04% of gross) $0.00
Subtotal $0.00
Gross Debenture $0.00
Balance to Borrower $0.00

4. Debt Service

Bank Loan at
SBA 504 Loan Debenture at

Total Monthly Payment

Annual Debt Service